Constipation and Weight Loss
Constipation and weight loss are intimately related, not having a stool movement daily can prevent weight loss or stall your progress. It...
Weight Loss: It is NOT all about calorie counting
I have mentioned before that caloric restriction is extremely important to attain weight loss and fat loss. It is one of the main drivers...
Weight Loss: Know your Calories
This is one of the questions that many people should figure out before starting to diet down. Weight loss is primarily driven by caloric...
Garbanzo Frittata
For this recipe we will be using two main ingredients: garbanzos and eggs. First we will be cooking the garbanzos to then add them to...
Clean Eating, Paleo, IIFYM, No Carbs, Intermittent-Fasting, Grain-Free… Which one works to loose wei
Most of them work! Here is the thing, everyone single one of them can work as long as a caloric deficit is created making you loose...